Experiments with genetically altered mice showed that the mice would consume abnormally high amounts of bitter-tasting compounds in water after their

Experiments with genetically altered mice showed that the mice would consume abnormally high amounts of bitter-tasting compounds in water after their 

A) hormone receptors for digestive hormones were reduced or eliminated, showing that bitter tastes are reinforced by digestive responses.
B) salt-taste cells were altered to express receptors for bitter tastants, suggesting that animals have unregulated salt appetites.
C) visual sense was reduced or eliminated, suggesting that mice learn visual cues about bitter tastes.
D) olfactory sense was reduced or eliminated, suggesting that mice learn odor cues about bitter tastes.
E) sweet-taste cells were altered to express receptors for bitter tastants, suggesting that the sensation of taste depends only on which taste cell is stimulated.

Answer: E

A ball-and-socket joint connects

A ball-and-socket joint connects 

A) the radius to the ulna.
B) the radius to the humerus.
C) the ulna to the humerus.
D) the humerus to the scapula.
E) the radius to the scapula.

Answer: D

An endoskeleton is the primary body support for the

An endoskeleton is the primary body support for the 

A) annelids, including earthworms.
B) insects, including beetles.
C) cartilaginous fishes, including sharks.
D) bivalves, including clams.
E) crustaceans, including lobsters.

Answer: C

Chitin is a major component of

Chitin is a major component of 

A) the skeleton of mammals.
B) the hydrostatic skeletons of earthworms.
C) the exoskeleton of insects.
D) the body hairs of mammals.
E) the skeleton in birds.

Answer: C

Which of the following is the correct sequence that describes the excitation and contraction of a skeletal muscle fiber? 1. Tropomyosin shifts and unblocks the cross-bridge binding sites. 2. Calcium is released and binds to the troponin complex. 3. Transverse tubules depolarize the sarcoplasmic reticulum. 4. The thin filaments are ratcheted across the thick filaments by the heads of the myosin molecules using energy from ATP. 5. An action potential in a motor neuron causes the axon to release acetylcholine, which depolarizes the muscle cell membrane.

Which of the following is the correct sequence that describes the excitation and contraction of a skeletal muscle fiber?
1. Tropomyosin shifts and unblocks the cross-bridge binding sites.
2. Calcium is released and binds to the troponin complex.
3. Transverse tubules depolarize the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
4. The thin filaments are ratcheted across the thick filaments by the heads of the myosin molecules using energy from ATP.
5. An action potential in a motor neuron causes the axon to release acetylcholine, which depolarizes the muscle cell membrane. 

A) 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5
B) 2 ? 1 ? 3 ? 5 ? 4
C) 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 1 ? 5
D) 5 ? 3 ? 1 ? 2 ? 4
E) 5 ? 3 ? 2 ? 1 ? 4

Answer: E

Calcium ions initiate sliding of filaments in skeletal muscles by

Calcium ions initiate sliding of filaments in skeletal muscles by 

A) breaking the actin-myosin cross-bridges.
B) binding to the troponin complex, which then relocates tropomyosin.
C) transmitting action potentials across the neuromuscular junction.
D) spreading action potentials through the T tubules.
E) reestablishing the resting membrane potential following an action potential.

Answer: B

The muscles of a recently deceased human can remain in a contracted state, termed rigor mortis, for several hours, due to the lack of

The muscles of a recently deceased human can remain in a contracted state, termed rigor mortis, for several hours, due to the lack of 

A) phosphorylated myosin.
B) ATP needed to break actin-myosin bonds.
C) calcium ions needed to bind to troponin.
D) oxygen supplies needed for myoglobin.
E) sodium ions needed to fire action potentials.

Answer: B

The "motor unit" in vertebrate skeletal muscle refers to

The "motor unit" in vertebrate skeletal muscle refers to 

A) one actin binding site and its myosin partner.
B) one sarcomere and all of its actin and myosin filaments.
C) one myofibril and all of its sarcomeres.
D) one motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers on which it has synapses.
E) an entire muscle.

Answer: D

A skeletal muscle deprived of adequate ATP supplies will

A skeletal muscle deprived of adequate ATP supplies will 

A) immediately relax.
B) release all actin-myosin bonds.
C) enter a state where actin and myosin are unable to separate.
D) fire many more action potentials than usual and enter a state of "rigor."
E) sequester all free calcium ions into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Answer: C

Myasthenia gravis is a form of muscle paralysis in which

Myasthenia gravis is a form of muscle paralysis in which 

A) motor neurons lose their myelination and the ability to rapidly fire action potentials.
B) acetylcholine receptors are destroyed by an overactive immune system.
C) ATP production becomes uncoupled from mitochondrial electron transport.
D) the spinal cord is infected with a virus that attacks muscle stretch receptors.
E) troponin molecules become unable to bind calcium ions.

Answer: B

The contraction of skeletal muscles is based on

The contraction of skeletal muscles is based on 

A) actin filaments coiling up to become shorter.
B) myosin filaments coiling up to become shorter.
C) actin and myosin filaments both coiling up to become shorter.
D) actin cross-bridges binding to myosin and then flexing.
E) myosin cross-bridges binding to actin and then flexing.

Answer: E

The olfactory bulbs are located

The olfactory bulbs are located 

A) in the nasal cavity.
B) in the anterior pituitary gland.
C) in the posterior pituitary gland.
D) in the brain.
E) in the brainstem.

Answer: D

In the human retina

In the human retina 

A) cone cells can detect color, but rod cells cannot.
B) cone cells are more sensitive than rod cells to light.
C) cone cells, but not rod cells, have a visual pigment.
D) rod cells are most highly concentrated in the center of the retina.
E) rod cells require higher illumination for stimulation than do cone cells.

Answer: A

For the processing of visual information in the central nervous system of humans, the neuronal projections of ganglion cells to the left and right lateral geniculate nuclei (LGN) are

For the processing of visual information in the central nervous system of humans, the neuronal projections of ganglion cells to the left and right lateral geniculate nuclei (LGN) are 

A) all ipsilateral, meaning that left eye projections stay on the left side of the brain, and vice versa.
B) all contralateral, meaning that left eye projections project to the right side of the brain, and vice versa.
C) ipsilateral for the temporal side of each retina, and contralateral for the nasal side of each retina.
D) ipsilateral for the nasal side of each retina, and contralateral for the temporal side of each retina.
E) randomly crossed in terms of which side of the retina projects to either the left or right side of the brain.

Answer: C

A rod exposed to light will

A rod exposed to light will 

A) fire action potentials that will increase its release of glutamate.
B) undergo a graded depolarization that will increase its release of glutamate.
C) undergo a graded hyperpolarization that will increase its release of glutamate.
D) undergo a graded depolarization that will decrease its release of glutamate.
E) undergo a graded hyperpolarization that will decrease its release of glutamate.

Answer: E

Rods exposed to light will

Rods exposed to light will 

A) depolarize due to the opening of sodium channels.
B) hyperpolarize due to the closing of sodium channels.
C) depolarize due to the opening of potassium channels.
D) hyperpolarize due to the closing of potassium channels.
E) fire one action potential for each photon received.

Answer: B

Compared to viewing a distant object, viewing an object held within 5 cm of the eye requires a lens that

Compared to viewing a distant object, viewing an object held within 5 cm of the eye requires a lens that 

A) has been flattened, as a result of contraction of the ciliary muscles.
B) has been made more spherical, as a result of contraction of the ciliary muscles.
C) has been flattened, as a result of relaxation of the ciliary muscles.
D) has been made more spherical, as a result of relaxation of the ciliary muscles.
E) does not change its shape.

Answer: B

Sensillae are

Sensillae are 

A) smell receptors in animals with hydrostatic skeletons.
B) mechanoreceptors that help birds remain oriented during flight.
C) a specific type of hair cell in the human ear.
D) insect taste receptors found on feet and mouthparts.
E) olfactory hairs located on insect antennae.

Answer: D

Tastes and smells are similar in that

Tastes and smells are similar in that 

A) both types of stimuli are present in thousands of different chemicals.
B) both types of stimuli must be dissolved in a body fluid before they can be detected.
C) both types of stimuli are proteins (that is, molecules of very large size and high molecular weight).
D) both types of stimuli evoke action potentials in the cells to which they bind.
E) any given stimulus for one system evokes a response from the other system.

Answer: B

The perceived pitch of a sound depends on

The perceived pitch of a sound depends on 

A) which part of the tympanic membrane is being vibrated by sound waves.
B) which part of the oval window produces waves in the cochlear fluid.
C) which region of the basilar membrane was set in motion.
D) whether or not the sound moves the incus, malleus, and stapes.
E) the listener having had training in music.

Answer: C

Dizziness is a perceived sensation that can occur when

Dizziness is a perceived sensation that can occur when

A) the hair cells in the cochlea move more than their normal limits.
B) moving fluid in the semicircular canals encounters a stationary cupula.
C) rods and cones provide information that does not correspond with information received by cochlear hair cells.
D) the basilar membrane makes physical contact with the tectorial membrane.
E) the utricle is horizontal but the saccule is vertical.

Answer: B

The cochlea is an organ of auditory transduction that contains

The cochlea is an organ of auditory transduction that contains 

A) fluid and cells that can undergo mechanosensory transduction.
B) air and cells that produce wax.
C) air and small bones that vibrate in response to sound waves.
D) fluid with stacks of chemosensory cells.
E) air and statocysts activated by movement.

Answer: A